Thursday, August 18, 2011

More Characters.

Speaking with Gabe once again on our project once again it was clear a higher level of professional conceptual development was required even if our actual game idea was still simply floating around at this point.

1)Brave Brandon is a revised version of Tiny Tim equipped with a ready action backpack. He won't stop for nothing to save Pug Patty. He is the 10 years old older brother and male protagonist.
2)Kooky Karen is a revised version of Little Lily equipped with her favorite blanky, although a little too hyperactive and at times silly she is the 6 years old younger sister and female protagonist.
3)Just Pug Patty same as always, but slightly altered in physical appearance.
4)Happy Hannah is another possible dog breed strung up on balloons needing rescue. Even in danger this dog still manages to keep her tongue out and tail wagging.
5)Klutzy Ken is another possible dog breed strung up on balloons needing rescue. In danger or not this hairy fellow still manages to trip up into sticky situations.

The aforementioned concepts were crafted before meeting with Gabe where he clarified his personal perception and idea of a professional standard of conceptual framework.
-He asked that the characters be presented in various angles as opposed to the ismple single front on view of characters thus far.
-The drawings needed to be presented more sketchily with more overlapping lines as opposed to constant rubbing out. This would demonstrate immediately that it is conceptual work while the lines can show the particular pictures' personal development.
-Produce larger quantities of pictures instead of having constant discussions about ideas and to just do it whether it turns out wrong or right.

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