Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Research - Game Theories

Today after a discussion we had a deeper talk with the group after we decided are organizing our project in a more tidier manner.
Therefore we developed our game in greater depth.
Main Theme: Multiplayer Play
Topics: Game Theory - Nash Equilibrium, Conflict, Social interaction.

Nash Equilibrium - A set of strategies available of each player where no player holds the desire to alter their set strategy. Should a player decided to change strategies with the result of a smaller end result then equilibrium has occurred.

Conflict- Multiplayer games contain social issues where although some games surround direct conflict a vast majority of games are subject to destructive social dynamics, this can also be referred to as grief play. This comes into play when implicit rules are simply ignored to achieve player advantage for the team, against the team or solely for one's self. This is where labels of cheating and so forth are applied towards players creating the socially destructive play.
Playing Dirty - Understanding Conflicts in Multiplayer Games, Paper presented at the 5th annual conference of the Association of Internet Researchers, The University of Sussex, 19-22nd September 2004.
Jonas Heide Smith (Smith @itu.dc), PhD candidate, Center for Computer Games Research Department of Digital Aesthetics and Communication, The IT University of Copenhagen.

Social Interaction: Game theories and gaming in general has played on impacting the role on direct social interaction by playing as a model for social issues present in the virtual world. Putting forawrd issues such as social norms, co-operation, social order, stability or even trust falling in to the realms of transactions of an economic standing.
Game Theory and Society: Models of Social Interaction in Sociological Research.
International Conference at ETH Zurich, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, July 27th to July 30th, 2011
Organizing Committee: Andres Diekmann, Dirk Helbing, Ryan O. Murphy.
Conference Office: Stefan Wehrli

These are my personal sources of individual research.

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