Thursday, November 3, 2011

Finalization + Voice Over

Today was coming together to finish off as much of the game as possible. In order to help Daniel the programmer I opted to install Xcode and Cocos2d programs as well.
The cutscenes were further developed at this point as the idea to implicate voice-overs for the cutcscenes.
First scene:
Such a beautiful day to go to work, says the workers coming into the factory. Oh yes it was a beautiful day for some but for these workers… they are in for a treat.
Second Scene:
Tim our main character heading through the door like every other day that he walks through here.
Third Scene:
But on this day Tim sees one of the meeting doors opened. Little does he know what he is about to hear is going to change his world.
Fourth Scene:
Tim over hears the boss in a meeting with members of the board of faculty. “Keep firing everyone leave no one behind Gahahaha”. As scary as that sounded he thought to himself “I have to tell everyone the news!”
Fifth Scene:
Tim speedily runs through the corridor to tell everyone that everyone is getting fired.
Sixth Scene:
As he gets to the doors of the factory, he opens the door real quick and as the rays of light hits his eyes. Words could not explain the expression he felt when he opened those doors to see what has happened.
Seventh Scene:
Oh the horror he says as he sees his fellow co-workers in cages and tied up all on the conveyor belts heading into the furnace where they are getting fired!
Eight Scene:
Pick up arms with friends in hand and save those workers!

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